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The innovative Integrative Oncology Patient Navigation Training Program will vastly expand your knowledge of complementary health therapies and will enhance your skills to empower patients/clients in accessing integrative cancer care resources to support them with an individualized, holistic approach to healthcare.
Listing Catalog: Maryland University of Integrative Health
Mental health is determined by a combination of many factors including lifestyle, genetics, and lived experiences. This STARR Certification Program helps you to concretely understand how stressful and traumatic experiences are two of the biggest contributing factors that impact our mental health. Here you will learn the science of how those two factors impact the brain-body connection. You will also learn how mental health fluctuates across a continuum, constantly moving to different states. The world's leaders in "Gym for the Brain" modalities then collectively teach you the many ways to work on and repair our impacted neural circuitry and return it to more optimal states.
Listing Catalog: Maryland University of Integrative Health
(MUIH COMMUNITY BENEFIT) Research on the microbiome is continually changing our ideas about nearly everything in health. Our symbiotic relationship with the microbes in our body determines whether we are fat or thin, happy or depressed, and our risk for nearly every health condition. In this engaging Masterclass series, you will have the opportunity to expand your clinical knowledge and gain take-away tools you can immediately use to support your clients/patients in practice.
Listing Catalog: Maryland University of Integrative Health
(MUIH COMMUNITY BENEFIT) In this Masterclass, we’ll do a deep dive into the microbiome: what it is, where is it located, and how it determines overall health. This knowledge is critical for health practitioners and anyone interested in optimizing their health to learn.
Listing Catalog: Maryland University of Integrative Health
(MUIH COMMUNITY BENEFIT) New research indicates that imbalances in the microbiome drive inflammation, fatty liver disease, obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. We’ll explore this research and discuss clinical pearls to inform your approach to treatment in this Masterclass.
Listing Catalog: Maryland University of Integrative Health
(MUIH COMMUNITY BENEFIT) This Masterclass will focus on the current research on the Gut-Brain connection. It’s becoming clear that modulation of the microbiota may be key to resolving mental health issues which is an emerging area of specialization.
Listing Catalog: Maryland University of Integrative Health
(MUIH COMMUNITY BENEFIT) This Masterclass will focus on dietary approaches to balancing and enhancing the microbiome. Research indicates that changing what we eat can rapidly change our microbiota, but only long-term change can provide long-term benefits. We’ll explore how healthy people can maintain and support health through prebiotic and probiotic-rich food and the science behind this approach to nutritional support.
Listing Catalog: Maryland University of Integrative Health
(MUIH COMMUNITY BENEFIT) Nutritional genomics holds enormous potential for improvements in health care at the individual and population levels through the maintenance of health and the blocking and reversal of disease states. Nutrigenomics is at the intersection of nutrition and genetic expression, specifically how nutrients influence the genome and their relationship to health and wellness.
Listing Catalog: Maryland University of Integrative Health
(MUIH COMMUNITY BENEFIT) Nutritional genomics holds enormous potential for improvements in health care at the individual and population levels through the maintenance of health and the blocking and reversal of disease states. Nutrigenomics is at the intersection of nutrition and genetic expression, specifically how nutrients influence the genome and their relationship to health and wellness.
Listing Catalog: Maryland University of Integrative Health
(MUIH COMMUNITY BENEFIT) Nutritional genomics holds enormous potential for improvements in health care at the individual and population levels through the maintenance of health and the blocking and reversal of disease states. Nutrigenomics is at the intersection of nutrition and genetic expression, specifically how nutrients influence the genome and their relationship to health and wellness.
Listing Catalog: Maryland University of Integrative Health
(MUIH COMMUNITY BENEFIT) This Professional Certificate program supports the critical analysis of a wide range of integrative health studies. The program provides future and integrative medicine professionals with the foundational knowledge and skills to identify and evaluate the research design and basic statistics and offers practicing holistic health professionals with the core concepts of health research to further contribute to their field as scholars. Learners will develop skills in searching databases, critical reading, and utilization of basic, clinical, epidemiological, and related research. Learners will then find and evaluate published information on health topics of individual interest and will be positioned to summarize and share these findings with their professional community upon completion.
Listing Catalog: Maryland University of Integrative Health
(MUIH COMMUNITY BENEFIT) This first course Professional Certificate in Evidence-Based Research and Informed Integrative Practice, Foundations of Research Design, sets the stage for approaching evidence as a meaningful tool in clinical practice. It begins by considering the importance of health research and explores the reciprocal relationship possible between health research and clinical experience. Additionally, this course covers the challenges specific to conducting integrative health research.
Learners will examine the ways perspective influences the use of evidence in an integrative practice and the role historical research has played in shaping the current bioethics landscape. Foundations of Research Design concludes by covering the most common research characteristics and designs with a focus on how these elements impact the application of research in a real-world context.
Listing Catalog: Maryland University of Integrative Health
(MUIH COMMUNITY BENEFIT) The second course Professional Certificate in Evidence-Based Research and Informed Integrative Practice, Finding and Selecting Appropriate Evidence, focuses on asking the right questions, searching for evidence, and ultimately weeding through search returns to determine whether the information found applies to practice. Learners will review PubMed tutorials to become familiarized with the PubMed search process. The resources have been designed to walk participants through the process of asking a clinical question, molding that question into a search, and deciding what evidence is appropriate to your original research questions.
Listing Catalog: Maryland University of Integrative Health
(MUIH COMMUNITY BENEFIT) This is the third of 5 courses required to earn the Professional Certificate in Evidence-Based Research and Informed Integrative Practice. Part of research appraisal is the consideration of how human bias may impact both the research itself and your interpretation of it. During this course, you will address your personal biases. This course has a special focus on primary research and the consideration of research design as it relates to the interpretation and appraisal of evidence. Throughout this course, you will again be using the Harris text and review several research papers for future appraisal. These articles are referenced multiple times throughout the course and future courses, so it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself. Resources are selected to guide you in critical analysis and interpretation of research evidence.
Listing Catalog: Maryland University of Integrative Health
(MUIH COMMUNITY BENEFIT) This is the fourth of 5 courses required to earn the Professional Certificate in Evidence-Based Research and Informed Integrative Practice. There are reasons that study results are in the headlines of news articles – often they are the most exciting part! In contrast, the statistical analysis is sometimes glazed over, even though it's what drives the results themselves. In this course, learners will approach the statistics you’re most likely to come across in research studies. We will focus on the interpretation and translation of statistics within the context of a study to provide value in real-world settings.
Listing Catalog: Maryland University of Integrative Health
(MUIH COMMUNITY BENEFIT) In this final course in the Professional Certificate in Evidence-Based Research and Informed Integrative Practice, learners will combine all of the concepts covered in previous courses to better understand summary research. This type of research includes Systematic Reviews, Meta-Analyses, Literature Reviews, Clinical Guidelines, and Evidence-based Texts. In this final course, learners will wrap up by reflecting on the program objectives within the context of evidence-based research and informed practices to position themselves as research-proficient scholars in their field.
Listing Catalog: Maryland University of Integrative Health
(MUIH COMMUNITY BENEFIT) Ayurveda is a personalized approach to health: knowing the mind-body type allows one to make optimal choices about diet, exercise, supplements, and all other aspects of one’s lifestyle throughout the year. In this Master Class series, discover how to see the world through “Ayurveda glasses” to integrate a personalized approach to wellness in your practice.
Listing Catalog: Maryland University of Integrative Health
(MUIH COMMUNITY BENEFIT) Ayurveda is the sister science of yoga developed in India thousands of years before modern medicine. Yoga seeks to liberate the spirit. Ayurveda assures a fit vessel for wellness transformation. Ayurveda continues to be one of the world’s most sophisticated and powerful mind-body health systems.
This Master Class provides foundational information on the elemental energies in the world from an Ayurvedic lens.
Discover how these energies create one’s individual constitution as they move through each day, season and stage of life.
Listing Catalog: Maryland University of Integrative Health
(MUIH COMMUNITY BENEFIT) According to Ayurveda, the world spins through a regular set of elemental energies. Learn how to recognize these elemental energies and how to eat in a way that will keep you and your clients in balance year round.
Discover how these energies create one’s individual constitution as they move through each day, season and stage of life.
Listing Catalog: Maryland University of Integrative Health
(MUIH COMMUNITY BENEFIT) Some practitioners of ancient healing traditions see modern research evidence as a counter to their work. In this lecture, find out how these can be aligned in both honoring traditions and enhancing the therapeutic relationship.
Listing Catalog: Maryland University of Integrative Health